Home Owner Resources
Wisconsin Focus on Energy
Wisconsin's Focus on Energy program a great place to start for any home owner. Get a free a box of new light bulbs, shower head or other useful items that enhance water, electricity, heating or cooling efficiency. Look for rebates on items like heat pumps or solar panels.

Habitat for Humanity Re Store
Habitat for Humanity runs the Re Store for those either getting rid of household items in shape to be reused... or you can purchase any items in the Re Store much below retail costs.

Prepare for Winter in Autumn
Autumn is a season of change and for some the reminder to manage invasive species in yards, farm and/or woods. Your county offices has invasive species experts for your county - check their website or call for more information.
Cleaning up debris and wood during the fall also prepares for snow removal and spring thawing and melting.

Couleecap Inc.
Couleecap, Inc. might be able to assist you with home repairs, rehabilitation and weatherization. There are income qualifications for using the Couleecap programs.

Know how to dispose of garbage & recycle
Check your city, village or town for schedules. Some have websites or other social media postings, while others still rely on posting at the collection sites or newspapers. Some services do direct mailing via USPS or email.

When you have damage...
TAKE PICTURES of the initial damage. Take more pictures after cleaning up. Take final pictures when you are done.
If you have pictures before damage, these can help establish the value of items or your home.
Pictures of your most valued or most used items are quick ways to have "inventory" of your household or personal business.